Sunday, September 28, 2008

My first day of serious blogging.

I've decided to start blogging about my attempt to live on less without sacrificing health or feeling deprived of the things I need and want. I'm doing this not only for myself, but also for the sake of the household.

I've been trying over the past year or so to make small changes in how I view what I buy and what I need. Generally, I'm not an overspender, but I would often feel guilty about buying things that I maybe wanted, but didn't really need. Then I start thinking that maybe I have too much "stuff." Just like most other Americans, we LOVE to buy STUFF. Over consuming can become a bad habit, and a very stressful one at that. But, it's a way of life that will take some time to change.

So now's the time to start reevaluating the way I live to see where I could do a little better. I hope that ultimately I can surround myself with only the things that I really love, be patient as I try to get the big things I need, and not feel sorry for myself for not having everything right now. There. That's my own pep talk for the day!

I found a great deal of inspiration from an article in Mother Earth News called, "Live on Less and Love It! Try these 75 inspiring ideas and enjoy life more while spending and consuming less."

I plan on posting specifics on what I cut back on, how I've saved, new menu items, and any other facts that are worth sharing. It may be a slow process, but a worthwhile one! Keep checking back to see how it goes!


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