Sunday, March 7, 2010

TV Free Week

Last week was declared TV Free Week in the house.  I had a few reasons for this, most of them negative.

First thing Marin would ask in the morning (like the very first thing uttered out of her mouth) was "Can you put cartoons on?"  During the day it was wanting to watch The Jungle Book over and over and over and not do anything else.  At night she was needing the TV on to fall asleep -- a habit that took me a long time to break.

But it wasn't just Marin.  It was me.  I was sucked into HGTV like it was nobody's business.  I would switch it on once Marin fell asleep at night.  I would skip over a magazine or book I've been wanting to read and choose TV instead because it seemed like less effort.

Worst of all, I was disturbed every time I saw Autumn's eyes become fixated on the bright lights of the screen.  Oh, the sensory overload for her poor 3 month old brain!

I'm not totally against TV watching (except for babies).  If I was, we'd have to get rid of every set in the house.  But it can get out of hand sometimes.  And besides, I just plain old miss how it was BEFORE Marin started watching cartoons at home.

It was just over a year ago...  I was taking on more transcription during the day while Ben watched Marin.  When he didn't have her out of the house, she was always trying to get to me in the office.  TV was the perfect distraction.  But before then, everyday it was me and Marin playing on the floor, listening to music, going to the library, getting outside for walks and to play.  It was great!  I miss that quality time.  It made the days much more enjoyable.

And thus TV Free Week began.  With explanation the night before, Marin understood.  First morning when I wouldn't put Arthur on immediately upon waking I heard, "But I LIKE cartoons."  Then she spent the next two days naming all the shows we wouldn't watch, but surprisingly with no protest.

As for the adults, the first evening was tough without the news and weather and our nightly dose of Seinfeld.  Music promptly took its place.  I then became happy to not be bogged down by news and endless episodes of house hunting shows on HGTV.  However, I could tell from the light shining on our dusty TV screen (I dislike dusting very much) that my "TV Free Week" sticky note had been moved a few times.  I think there was some renegade news watching in the early morning before Ben left for work ;)

Results?  By day 4, Marin didn't even mention any shows.  We played a lot more, while Autumn was content to sit on my lap and watch.  Ben even mentioned about downgrading our cable service, although little did he know that basic cable does NOT include ESPN, so no-go on that one.  And I've found that catching up on magazines and resuming my current read, In Defense of Food, to be less mental strain than watching the tube.

Reflecting on the week, I think it was good for all of us to have this break.  We'll probably put our beloved shows back on soon enough, but hopefully it will be for occasional entertainment and not just to pass the time.  TV Free Week has officially ended, but I think I'll keep the sticky note up and see what happens tomorrow.  If given a choice between watching the toons or playing with mom, I think Marin would choose playing with me any day!

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